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purelife holistic id questionnaire
PureLife Wellness Center is committed to creating wellness paradigms to help reach optimum wellness for you and your family.
The PureLife Holistic ID is a questionnaire that we have developed to answer questions about personal health to help pinpoint their health deficiencies. The goal is to promote wellness, spiritual, and emotional wellbeing. In the same effort, it will give PureLife a better understanding of your lifestyle, work, life balance.
We appreciate your time in completing this questionnaire, it will help us customize a health and wellness plan and provide you with positive health and behavioral changes that will forever change your life.
All information you provide will be confidential and will not be disclosed without your written permission.
All information contained on this form will be kept strictly confidential.
Thank you again for completing the PureLife Holistic ID questionnaire. We review your file and contact you within 48-72 hours with our assessment. For further questions, feel free to contact us at (910) 279-9059.